Letter Template: Follow Up With Action Request

After informing the board, speaking at a school board meeting or having conversations with board members and still not seein solid action → FOLLOW UP!
Dear _______________ School Board,

I appreciate the fact that the district is going to do everything they can to secure data. However, parents need to be better informed in order to make the best decisions for their own children and family.


The increased use of connected digital tools in the learning environment and widespread data collection introduces cybersecurity risks of which parents should be aware.

The FBI encourages parents and families https://www.ic3.gov/media/2018/180913.aspx to:

  • Research existing student and child privacy protections of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and state laws as they apply to EdTech services.
  • Discuss with their local districts about what and how EdTech technologies and programs are used in their schools.
  • Conduct research on parent coalition and information-sharing organizations which are available online for those looking for support and additional resources.
  • Research school-related cyber breaches which can further inform families of student data vulnerabilities.
  • Consider credit or identity theft monitoring to check for any fraudulent use of their children’s identity.
  • Conduct regular Internet searches of children’s information to help identify the exposure and spread of their information on the Internet.

If you are not familiar with the rights of parents under FERPA, RIGHT NOW they have the right:

  1. to know what your district and your state has designated as “Directory Information.”
  2. to request all records for review, inspection, and request they be amended if need be (mistakes happen). AND,
  3. (still in law but rendered MEANINGLESS) to be notified annually of your rights under the law PLUS notification of any release of directory information. (Unfortunately, the law is “met” by simply putting the notification somewhere on a districts website. Our lawmakers must change that.)

You can also find information here https://advancerealreforms.com/hit-pause-education-technology/ferpa/ explaining how changes in FERPA weakened privacy protection.

I look forward to hearing how the district will proceed in providing this information to parents.
Thank you for attention to this matter and your service to the community.
Just Do It!