Stop the Assault on Student Privacy & Parental Rights

Student Privacy & Parental Rights can be advanced right now! Inform others. Spread the word.

Please share this Public Service Announcement from the FBI concerning data collection. Provided here in a pdf form, this PublicServiceAnnouncement can be downloaded and used to print and distribute this information to your state and local educational authorities…..immediately!

The following is from the Legislative Battles of 2017. It will be updated when new battles pop up. Stay tuned.

—UPDATE 12/31/18— There was no time to update because the Senate pulled the same trick AGAIN! They passed H.R. 4174 while we parent activists were busy preparing for our family holiday. #CorruptionRuled It is up to President Trump to #PutPrivacyFirst #VETOhr4174

Student Privacy and Parental Rights are under assault from three bills in Congress:

H.R. 4174 is the bill most in need of our immediate attention.

House members refused to respect and honor the wishes of the People who contacted them to simply ask for a roll call vote on H.R. 4174. In other words, by refusing to represent the wish of the People, the House didn’t leave a voting record on this bill. Not one “representative” would stand up and ask for a roll call vote so that the People would know how their representative voted.
Stop this bill in committee!
H.R.4174 (FEPA text – “The Foundation for Evidence-Based Policymaking”) passed the House with a suspension of the rules on a “voice vote.” It moves on to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
  •  Foundation for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (FEPA) (H.R. 4174/S.2046) — creates a federal database containing data from every federal agency on every citizen and access to that information will be through D.C. BUREAUCRATIC APPROVAL;
FEPA puts Student Privacy, Parental Consent, and Citizen’s Data Confidentiality Rights in jeopardy under the guise of transparency, open government, and the claim that it will make for better decisions by lawmakers. Please help KILL THE BILL in committee. Contact the whole committee NOW, please!
Then, please watch these two bills S. 877 and H.R.2434. Be prepared to Call your HOUSE representative. Here is the phone directory. Please ask them to Vote NO.
  • Protecting Student Privacy Act (S. 877 text) — amends the REAL privacy protection Act — Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) — without restoring the FERPA privacy protections that were gutted in 2008 and 2011; and
  • The College Transparency Act (CTA S.1121 text) (H.R. 2434 text) — overturns the Higher Education Act’s ban on a federal student record system and establishes a system of lifelong tracking.
  • These two bills will be considered in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) committee. Call that committee 202-224-5375 to express your concerns.
Special interest groups wanting increased access to highly personal student data for their own benefit have lobbied Congress to get our data WITHOUT OUR CONSENT OR KNOWLEDGE.
Please check back for updates as they develop. Thank you.

AND CONTACT YOUR SENATORS! We need to be clear about our rights and the security of our data BEFORE we consider consenting to any of these laws.